Wednesday 11 July 2012

20 Years Young!

Keewaytinook Okimakanak (Northern Chiefs' Council) is celebrating its 20th anniversary this summer. KO and its various departments will be attending the Assembly of First Nations conference in Toronto on July 17, 18, and 19. Congratulations to KO for 20 years of working toward the betterment of their communities!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Safety Week - July 10, 11, 12

Safety Week is a combination of short courses available at the Keewaytinook Centre. Safety is a form of preventive maintenance which includes equipment and machinery and its proper handling. Everyone should be responsible for safety, from top management to all employees. Safety is using one's knowledge or skill to avoid accidents or to protect oneself and others from accidents.
Click here for course details.
Download the KCE registration form

Tuesday 29 May 2012

KCE Newsletter - CEU Training in June

The June edition of the KCE newsletter is out. Click on the link on our web site to view.
The Keewaytinook Centre is also offering a 2.1 CEUs course on June 26, 27, and 28. The Centre has a distribution system model complete with hydrants, valves, etc. Assemble the system, pressurize it, and learn by taking part with hands-on, practical applications. The course will define and describe the equipment and techniques used in water distribution, and explain their application in the workplace. The water distribution system operator will be able to explain and apply the processes that are key to the safe operation of a drinking water distribution system. The deadline for this course is June 12.

Monday 7 May 2012

Program Assistant

KCE welcomes Julie Haw in the position of Program Assistant. Call Julie at 807-737-1135 ext 4001 for any inquiries about our training services and upcoming courses.
Click here to see our May courses at the Centre.
You can also contact Julie at

Sunday 22 April 2012

Source Water Protection

Source Water Protection (2.1 CEUs) will be offered on May 29, 30 and 31. The deadline for this course is May 16.

Thursday 29 March 2012

What's new?

1.   First Aid and CPR will be offered at the Keewaytinook Centre by the Canadian Red Cross on April 17 and 18. The cost is $250 + HST.

2.   The KCE April Newsletter can be accessed by going to the following link: KCE.

3.   Enrol for the OIT-Class I-II training session from May 14 to May 18. The deadline for this one is April 18.

4.   Congratulations to Clifford Mamakwa from Wunnumin Lake First Nation who won the AWWAO operator of the year!

5.   There have been a few calls about offering a two-day Excel course this spring. Give our office a call if you would like to be placed on the list.

6.   Finally, have a Happy Easter! 

Saturday 10 March 2012

Computer Literacy Course

The Computer Literacy course was well attended with 15 participants this month. The Keewaytinook Centre plans to hold another session later this spring with a two-day focus on Excel.

Friday 10 February 2012

Training Photos - Operator Highlights

Check out the photos of our participants that are taking the training sessions at the Centre. The links are located at the bottom right of our homepage. You can view the photos as a slideshow or individually.
Our monthly newsletter "KCE" also features an operator along with some personal information.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Busy February

February is going to be a busy month! Fourteen participants will be taking part in the O&M of WD Systems next week, OIT and Class I class the following week with ten participants. We also have two Walkerton courses on February 22, and 23. The last week in February will be the Grade 12 equivalency prep course for GED (course is confirmed) and the Keewaytinook Centre will be providing the training services for the AWWAO conference.

Monday 30 January 2012

Computer Literacy with Microsoft Office

Keewaytinook is offering a four-day course focusing on Microsoft Office: file management (Window's Explorer) and e-mailing (ccing, bccing, attaching files, etc.), Word and Publisher (write a letter, a proposal. a flyer), Excel (budget, basic functions).
The course will be held at the Centre in Dryden from March 6 to March 9. Register today!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Thursday 5 January 2012

GED - Grade 12 Equivalency

Make 2012 the year you obtain your Grade 12 equivalency.
Make a plan to enrol as early as possible to guarantee a placement.
Our winter session for the GED course will take place from Feb. 27th to Mar. 10th in Dryden.

The deadline for this course is February 7, 2012.
Call 737-1135 x4000 for details or e-mail